The Presentation TrapTM: The Number One Roadblock Keeping You From Growing Your Life Insurance Advisory Business Faster and with Less Effort

Speakers: Chuck Hollander

Year: 2019

In today’s selling environment, increased competition, complexity and commoditization are having an unprecedented impact on your ability to gain the attention and motivate your clients and prospective clients to act on your advice. Too often, life insurance sales professionals rush to presenting their advice before the buyer understands the cost, consequences and the risks of staying the same – this is called the “Presentation Trap.” The result? Prospective clients fail to see why they should change what they are doing, and they fail to see the urgency of why they should change now.Session takeaways:• Grow your business faster and with less effort by challenging your approach to selling activities• Learn how a single adjustment to your firm’s daily sales and marketing conversations can have an immediate impact on your business growth than any other activity• Acquire new clients by avoiding "the presentation trap”

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